“Celebrities” Visit UF for Film Series
Captain Jack Sparrow, Marilyn Monroe, James Bond and Cher will visit The University of Findlay in 2013. Represented by their impersonators and photo doubles, the famous characters are expected to bring an added touch to “Films on Friday,” series sponsored by the Campus Program Board.
Screening one film each month from January through April in the Alumni Memorial Union Multi-Purpose Room, the UF series will also feature celebrity doubles and contests to enhance the viewing experience. All shows begin at 7 p.m. and the films are rated PG or PG-13.
On Friday, Jan. 11, Ronnie Rodriguez as Johnny Depp talked about the world of acting and impersonating prior to the showing of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. Cast as Depp’s photo double in two Pirates of the Caribbean films and in Adam Sandler’s Jack and Jill, Rodriguez has appeared on The Jay Leno Show and in Carrie Underwood’s All Star Holiday Special in 2009. After the show, prizes were awarded for a Pirate & Wench Costume Contest and “Captain Jack” was available for photos and autographs.
Sheri Winkelmann as Marilyn Monroe will perform and answer questions on Friday, Feb. 15. The classic film, Some Like it Hot will follow, and Winkelmann will stay for pictures and autographs after the film.
The audience will be treated to a double feature and double celebrities at the Friday, March 22 showings of Goldfinger and Skyfall. A “meet and greet” with James Allen as Sean Connery (007) and Russell Kozlosky as Daniel Craig will be held at 7p.m. prior to the double feature. Goldfinger will screen at 8 p.m. followed by Skyfall at 10 p.m.
Cher will wrap up the Films on Friday series on Friday, April 12 with the showing of Burlesque. Betty Atchison will perform as Cher at 7 p.m. and be available for photos and autographs after the movie. Atchison is in the Best Costume Hall of Fame and won both the 2012 Best Overall Celebrity Re-creation and Best Performance Showcase.
All shows are $5/person at the door (cash only). UF students, faculty and staff will be admitted free with a valid UF I.D. For more information, call 419-434-4606. The Campus Program Board is a UF student led/student run organization focusing on providing campus and community entertainment.