Ethics Expert to Give Presentation at The University of Findlay as part of Heminger Business Ethics Lecture Series

Ann Tenbrunsel, Ph.D., will present “Blindspots: Why You Aren’t as Ethical as You Think You Are” at 3 p.m. Monday, March 10, at The University of Findlay in Old Main, Ritz Auditorium.
A reception will follow at 4 p.m. in the hall outside the auditorium. Community members are welcome.
Tenbrunsel’s presentation is part of the University’s College of Business Heminger Business Ethics Lecture Series. She is director of the Institute for Ethical Business Worldwide and the Rex and Alice A. Martin Professor of Business Ethics at the University of Notre Dame.
Tenbrunsel conducts research on decision making and negotiations with a particular emphasis on ethics and has investigated the psychological process of ethical fading; the cause and consequence of behavioral forecasting errors; the impact of ethical infrastructures in organizations; and the forces behind unintended defection in social dilemmas.
Tenbrunsel is the author, co-author or co-editor of six books on the topic, as well as more than 50 research articles and chapters. Her research has been featured in interviews airing on MSNBC and National Public Radio and adaptations, excerptions and references to her work have appeared in a variety of publications, including the New York Times, U.S. News and World Report, AP, NBC, ABC, Sports Illustrated, ESPN, The Guardian, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Huffington Post, Washington Post, Washington Examiner, The Globe and Mail, Ethisphere Magazine, Investor’s Business Daily and in blogs for Psychology Today and Freakonomics.
After obtaining a B.S. in industrial and operations engineering from the University of Michigan, Tenbrunsel worked for S.C. Johnson & Son in manufacturing and sales support. She then worked as a sales and marketing consultant for ZS Associates, subsequently earning a Ph.D. in organizational behavior from Northwestern University.
In conjunction with the Give Voice to Your Values comprehensive campaign at The University of Findlay, Karl Heminger, who serves on the UF Board of Trustees, and his brother, Kurt Heminger, established the Edwin L. Heminger Memorial Lectureship in Business Ethics Endowment Fund as a memorial to their father. Edwin Heminger, a long-time businessman and civic leader, passed away in 2011.
During his long career in the news media, Edwin Heminger was the chair of the board of The Findlay Publishing Co. and a former publisher of The Courier, where he was the third generation to work at the newspaper. He was nationally respected for his service with newspaper associations, and he was active in the community where he served on many boards and helped found the Hancock Historical Museum. He was known for his fairness and integrity, as well as his compassion for people. This fund is designated to support the establishment of an annual lecture, dinner and related activities that promote the teaching of good business ethics in the College of Business at The University of Findlay.