Featured Senior: Christopher Baden ’13

Major: finance
Hometown: Continental, Ohio
With an open mind and the readiness to learn, Christopher Baden chose UF for its class size and the atmosphere. “The town of Findlay just has a great feel, and coming from a very small town, that is something I needed in my life,” he said.
Baden will graduate with a bachelor’s degree after three years at UF and gives praise to his advisor, Gregory Arburn, Ph.D., assistant professor of economics and finance. Arburn pointed Baden toward finance and the organization ENACTUS (formerly Students in Free Enterprise) during Baden’s freshman year.
“I don’t see him as just an advisor or teacher any more; he is one of my best friends,” said Baden. “I talk to him at least once a day whether the conversation is finance related or not.”
Baden chose to major in finance because it challenged him. “I really enjoy working with numbers and equations, and finance takes that and then applies it in a really practical manner.”
Arburn offered to advise Baden when he chose to major in finance and has continuously challenged Baden to make sure he performed above and beyond his potential every day.
“Chris is a great young man, always on time and always on task,” said Arburn. “He is a great role model for what we would like our students to be, current and incoming.”
In addition to Arburn’s assistance, Baden says that he is lucky to have worked with most of the business faculty. “Speaking and working with them gives you a real feel of what managers would expect on the job, so it’s been a great way to prepare me for on-the-job tasks,” he said.
Baden has been involved with several College of Business Visiting Executive events during his time at UF. When a Visiting Executive comes to campus, Baden works to coordinate the day of events and spends a majority of the day with him or her.
“I get the opportunity to sit down one-on-one with these executives and film a T.V. segment,” said Baden. “That segment is up to me as far as the talking points, and it is a great chance to connect with the executives.”
In addition to excelling in academics, Baden has had opportunities to get involved with extracurricular activities such as ENACTUS. Since joining the team two years ago, he has competed in two regional and one national competition.
“Winning the regional championship last year and putting Findlay ENACTUS back on the map was not only an experience, but a privilege,” said Baden. “We were very young but worked hard to put together great projects and a better presentation.
Being a part of the team that went to nationals last May was one of Baden’s favorite experiences.
“After winning the regional competition in Chicago, we advanced to the national tournament in Kansas City,” said Baden. “The convention was phenomenal and the projects and people were absolutely inspiring.”
Recently, ENACTUS won the regional competition and will be competing at the national tournament on May 21.
Finding a balance between academics and extra curricular activities can be a struggle for many students, but Baden has mastered the skill. He also says that balancing academics and real life applications has made his college experience priceless.
“College will give you what you put into it. I am able to acquire my bachelor’s degree in three years even after changing majors my freshman year and working full time throughout college,” said Baden.
After graduation, Baden plans to work for his family business, The Schaibley Company in Continental, Ohio, an agricultural company, which supplies accessories and replacement parts for farming equipment throughout the U.S.
“Overall, I have had an incredible experience at the University. I was able to find a balance between school, work and life that allowed me to not only excel in all of those aspects, but do so happily.”
Written by Sarah Foltz