Findlay Named in “25 Best Bachelor’s in Occupational Health and Safety Programs”

University of Findlay’s Environment, Health, Safety, and Sustainability (EHSS) Program was ranked in “25 Best Bachelor’s in Occupational Health and Safety Programs for 2022” by Best Health Degrees.
Schools included in the ranking are all accredited by independent agencies such as the Higher Learning Commission as well as other Department of Education recognized agencies and some specialty accreditation. According to the Best Health Degrees website, programs were ranked based on “price, accreditation, reputation, and salary potential, using data from IPEDS and Niche, U.S. News and World Report, and other higher education rating publications.”
Best Health Degrees noted, “Health and safety issues in the workplace can trace a long history of accidents and illnesses associated with dangerous and unhealthy work environments.” The website also cites the National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries of 2019 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics which stated “…a worker died every 99 minutes from a work-related injury in 2019,” making health and safety programs more imperative than ever.
Findlay’s EHSS program boasts a 100% job placement rate upon graduation. The curriculum includes general education studies along with core EHSS classes. Some foundational topics include Introduction to Public Health Microbiology, OSHA Practice and Standards, Management of Safety and Health Programs, Environment and Society, and Basic Organic and Biochemistry, as well as a paid internship while still in school. Students benefit from having access to the All Hazards Training Center (the nation’s leader in the development and delivery of customized environmental, health, and safety training programs) and state-of-the-art labs.
For more information about Findlay’s environmental programs, visit the Environment, Health, Safety, and Sustainability webpage. Contact the Office of Admissions at 419-434-4732 or for application information or specific program questions.