Health Professions the Highlight of Fall ’21 FindlayMag
With health and medicine being top-of-mind over the last couple years, University of Findlay’s hands-on pharmacy and health professions programs are highlighted in the fall 2021 FindlayMag.
This edition of the FindlayMag has been published and is available to view on the FindlayMag website.
Featured stories and topics include:
- Long-time supporters of the University, and Findlay Faithfuls, Charlie Ernst ’92 M’06 and Belinda (Roberts ’02) Ernst believe in helping others and leading by example as they work together to raise their three children and offer support and guidance to many other families.
- Joshua Verhoff, junior in the Nursing Program and athlete, is breaking track records and has a dream to help kids with diabetes – something he has personally struggled with.
- Dallas Smith, Pharm.D. ’17, went from stellar student athlete to serving in the Peace Corps and later getting experience working on the front-lines of the COVID-19 pandemic with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
- The strategic partnership between UF and Blanchard Valley Health Systems is providing critical experiential learning opportunities and assisting in recruiting well-trained healthcare workers for local medical organizations to ultimately provide excellent healthcare to the community.
The fall issue includes remarks from UF President Katherine Fell, Ph.D., V.P. for University Advancement Marcia Sloan Latta, Ed.D., and the Alumni Association Board of Governors President Nicole (Hauenstein ’99) Burgy. Read what students had to say about why they chose University of Findlay and see what some alumni have been up to with their career, marriages, and births.
The FindlayMag website enables you to access individual stories, along with alumni and campus events information. Story ideas; additional content suggestions; and photos for the announcement of weddings, births and adoptions, and deaths can also be submitted on the website.
For additional content, story updates, and more, visit the FindlayMag online.