Inaugural Summer Choir Concert to Feature Bach
Findlay Summer Choir’s inaugural concert will feature something for every music lover to enjoy! The free University of Findlay concert, to be held Aug. 26 at 3 p.m. in Marathon Center for the Performing Arts, will be performed by a newly formed community choir organized by SeaHwa Jung, director of choral activities at UF.
Featured selections will include John Leavitt’s Missa Festiva; J.S. Bach’s “Lobet den Hernn, alle Heiden, BWV 230”; “Deep River”; “You Raise Me Up”; “Wade in the Water”; “Bridge Over Troubled Water”; and “Jubilate Deo.”
Choir members have been rehearsing since June. They range in age from high-schoolers to senior citizens.
Admission will be free, but donations will be accepted to help fund the summer 2019 choir and assist with performing arts center costs. Concert sponsors include University of Findlay, Farmers and Merchants State Bank, Marathon Center for the Performing Arts and Visit Findlay.