Korean Statute of Peace Presentation at UF

On Thursday, Oct. 28, 2021, University of Findlay’s Japanese program will have a presentation titled “Korean Statue of Peace: Lessons for the Future Generations.” The presentation will be held in the Alumni Memorial Union, Endly room at 5:15 p.m. and a dialogue with speakers, The Executive Director, KACCM Ms. Mi Dong and Certified Business Economist, KACCM Ms. Soo Kyung Kim, to follow after the presentation.
The tragedies about comfort women that occurred during WWII had a significant implication on the viewpoints of human rights, gender inequality, and imperialism. We will think about this important historical incident with staff from The Korean American Cultural Center of Michigan that built a Statue of Peace to commemorate this historical incident.
This event is co-sponsored by the UF Convocation Fund, Social Work, History, Gender Studies, Buford Center, and Japanese Programs.
If you have any questions, contact Hiro Kawamura at kawamura@findlay.edu or (419) 434-4619. To learn more about University of Findlay’s Japanese program, visit University of Findlay’s website.