Live and Learn: UF to Host 16th Annual Information Assurance Forum
“Securing Smart Living” will be the focus of the University of Findlay’s 16th Annual Information Assurance Forum, scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 1 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Winebrenner Theological Seminary’s TLB Auditorium.
Open to the community, the event will be hosted by UF’s Computer Science Department and the Findlay-Hancock County Alliance.
The cost, which will include breakfast and a lunch buffet, is $45 for those who are not Findlay-Hancock County Chamber of Commerce members, and $35 for Chamber members. UF students, faculty and staff with a valid University ID will be admitted for free. Register by visiting
Keynote speakers will include:
- “Smart Cities: The Convergence of 5G, FirstNet and Economic Growth” – James Sullivan, AT&T, Business Development IoT (Internet of Things) Solutions
- “Smart Manufacturing” – Mark Cosiano, Whirlpool Corporation, Value Stream manager
- “Smarter Together: How Isolation is the Enemy of Smart” – Doug McCollough, City of Dublin, Ohio, CIO
- “Smart Farming: The Digital Revolution in Agriculture” – Elizabeth Hawkins, Ph.D., The Ohio State University Extension, field specialist in agronomic systems
- “How WannaCry Made the Health Care Industry Want to Cry: The New Reality of a Smarter Health Care System” – Trevor Randolph, Qmulos, Splunk engineer
- “Managing the Risk of Smart Technologies” – Jerod Brennen, CISSP, GBQ Parnters, LLC, security architect; and Doug Davidson, CISA, GBQ Partners, LLC, director of information technology services
The forum also will include a UF alumni panel, and student and faculty presentations.