Make a positive impact, celebrate Absolutely Incredible Kid Day
Taking a few minutes of your time to write a simple letter of encouragement to the children in your life might not sound like much, but these meaningful messages can make a lasting impact you never thought possible. On March 12th, celebrate Absolutely Incredible Kid Day by writing letters of positivity and inspiration to let the kids in your life know how appreciative you are for them.
Absolutely Incredible Kid Day is a national celebration sponsored by the youth nonprofit organization Camp Fire. Corporations and philanthropic partners join together to honor our nation’s youth by writing, posting, tweeting or even using the hashtag #AIKD for notes of comfort and support.
“Every year we ask for testimonials on how Absolutely Incredible Kid Day really affected a child’s life in such a positive way,” said Sharinda Welton, director of student activities, commuter services and leadership development. “A UF student a few years ago wrote to her son, who suffers from autism, to remind him that she loved him and was very proud of him. When he received the letter in the mail he folded it up and put it in his pocket. He proceeded to insist on putting it in his pocket every day to carry her love with him wherever he went. She expressed that she had no idea what an impact a simple letter would make in his life. Now she writes to him every year.”
The University of Findlay has been hosting Absolutely Incredible Kid Day letter writing on campus for over 10 years. This year, tables full of markers, stickers, envelopes and other supplies will be set up in the Alumni Memorial Union Fireside Lounge from 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members to have the opportunity to write these simple acts of love and kindness to our youth. Postage stamps will be for sale to send the letters by mail. There will also be lists of children’s names from the community who are in need of some encouragement.
Absolutely Incredible Kid Day is hosted by The University of Findlay’s Campus Program Board, a student-let group that strives to bring high-quality, diverse entertainment to campus. For more information, please call 419-434-4606.