Mark Your Calendars for Absolutely Incredible Kid Day At UF
All children have great potential inside of them, but some need encouragement to bring it out. One way to provide that sort of encouragement is to participate in Absolutely Incredible Kid Day.
University of Findlay’s Student Activities Board, in conjunction with the local Campfire U.S.A., invites you to consider participating in the Absolutely Incredible Kid Day Letter Writing Campaign at UF where, on Wednesday, March 11, there will be tables set up from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Alumni Memorial Union. Faculty and staff are invited to write letters to children from their own family or circle of friends, but also children in Hancock County who could really benefit from a letter of encouragement, yet who, due to their circumstances, will not receive one. The local Campfire U.S.A. are providing up to 900 children’s names and ages who need a letter of encouragement.
Absolutely Incredible Kid Day was founded by National Camp Fire U.S.A. to provide an opportunity for all children to receive a letter of encouragement on the exact same day. UF’s Student Activities Board has hosted an A.I.K.D. campaign day in conjunction with the local Campfire U.S.A., Northwest Ohio Council for numerous years. The letter writing station will be set up so faculty and staff can stop by and write letters alongside students. The public is welcome to join them to simply create a letter of encouragement and sign their first name, title, and the state or country where they are from. Stationery, stickers, markers, envelopes, sample letters and other supplies will be available. This is a great time to relieve some stress and take comfort in knowing you are making a difference in a child’s life.
Please contact the Student Activities Office at 419-434-4606 with any questions.