New Students to Support Community Through Service

On Saturday, Aug. 16, new UF students will head out into the community to complete 59 service projects in partnership with area nonprofit agencies and organizations.
This marks the 12th time the University has coordinated this type of project for new students during orientation weekend. According to Crystal Weitz, director of the Campus Compact Center for Service and Learning, the Orientation Service Projects have become a tradition at The University of Findlay. “We really enjoy welcoming our new students to campus and to our local community by having them go out and serve,” explained Weitz. “One goal is that they can find ways to give back throughout their entire UF career, using this one project as the catalyst.”
During the day, two shifts of volunteers will be working throughout the area including Findlay, Van Buren, McComb, Arlington, Cory Rawson and North Baltimore. Under the direction and support of faculty, staff and alumni project leaders, the new freshmen will be performing a variety of tasks including helping with fall clean up at area churches, helping area school get ready for the new school year, visiting with residents of area nursing homes and supporting non-profit organizations by cleaning and painting their facilities.
This event is part of a weekend full of activities designed to help new students become acclimated to campus. The Oiler Experience orientation weekend begins today at 2 p.m. with students moving in to residence halls and concludes Sunday, Aug. 17, with an all campus picnic in the center of campus. On Friday, Aug. 15, at 4:30 p.m. new students will participate in the University’s Arch Ceremony. The Arch Ceremony is one of the oldest traditions in Ohio college history. During the ceremony, students are escorted through the Arch by faculty and staff to symbolize the official start to their college career at UF.
For more information, contact Weitz at or 419-434-6671.