Pastor Reist to Discuss Protestantism in America
Pastor William Reist, D.Min., the senior pastor at College First Church of God in Findlay, will be the second presenter for The University of Findlay’s Religious Studies Lecture Series. His talk will be held at 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 5, at College First Church of God, 1100 N. Main St.
The purpose of the lecture series is to provide an enhanced learning environment for exploring critical issues relevant to religious studies. Presenters will address topics such as how their religion influences personal identity and vocation, how their religious traditions intersect with American culture, and the types of discrimination and prejudices that those of their particular faith experience.
Reist will discuss the Protestant faith. He has served as senior pastor of College First Church of God since 2002. Previously, he had worked at churches in Pennsylvania, including at First Church of God in Middletown and Elizabethtown, where he was senior pastor, and at Marysville Church of God where he was pastor. He was an interim pastor for Mayfair-Plymouth Congregational Christian Church in Toledo; an administrator for Churches of God, General Conference; and the director of field education and admissions for Winebrenner Theological Seminary during the 1990s.
He received a Doctor of Ministry degree in 2004 from Gordon Cornwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, Massachusetts. His project was titled, “Audience Analysis and Adaptation: Responding to the Challenge of Preaching in Multiple Settings.” He earned a Master of Divinity in 1976 from Winebrenner Theological Seminary, and a Bachelor of Arts in Religion and Philosophy from Findlay College.