UF Faculty Members Share Their Knowledge with State Lawmakers
Recently, several representatives from The University of Findlay presented on the dangers of prescription opiate overdose at the Ohio House and Senate Health and Aging Committee hearing.
Katherine Fell, Ph.D.; Don Stansloski, R.Ph., Ph.D.; Andrea Koepke, Ph.D., RN; Darin Fields, Ph.D.; John Stanovich, R.Ph.; Rick States, D.H.Sc., CNMT, RT(N); and John Richey, MBA, RHIA, gave the demonstration.
The lawmakers are considering legislation to regulate prescriptions. By implementing an advanced software system, medication prescribers could check to see what other prescriptions a patient has been prescribed. Often, a patient may be prescribed different medications by different physicians. With a system like this in place, the physicians would be able to more easily identify a pattern of drug abuse or over-prescription of a certain drug.
At the meeting, the presenters utilized one of Findlay’s electronic staff members – SIM Man, who aids in training students in the College of Pharmacy. Pharmacy student Tony Delapino traveled with the group as SIM Man’s operator. Prior to the trip to Columbus, Delapino programmed the patient simulator to have a fatal reaction to an overdose of prescription opiates.
The demonstration left a lasting impression on the lawmakers who attended the presentation.
“In addition to bringing attention to a very important health care topic, UF gained excellent exposure at the state level for its high-quality academic health professions programs,” said Koepke. “We were able to interact in a positive way with individuals who have influence across the state.”