UF Student Recognized by Accreditation Council for Business Schools

University of Findlay student Satarupa Banerjee was recognized by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools (ACBSP) Great Lakes Region IV Fall Conference as the Student Showcase Winner for her presentation of “Resilience in International Enrollment: Challenges and Remedies.”
Currently working toward earning her Master of Business Administration at Findlay, Banerjee is the fourth student from Findlay’s College of Business to win the Student Showcase award since its creation in 2015. Previous winners include Erica Bettac, Todo Djurovic, and Keeron Ghose.
Banerjee explained a current challenge higher education institutions are faced with is decreased enrollment. “I work in international student enrollment as a graduate assistant, where I witness, face, and address these issues daily. Being an international student myself, I get to experience both sides of the challenges and I have researched the issues in academic and mass media publications,” she said.
In her paper, “Resilience in International Enrollment: Challenges and Remedies,” Banerjee noted that the issue of decreased enrollment is due to a number of reasons including the COVID-19 pandemic and increased competition from both national and international universities. Through her research, she noted that some ways higher education institutions can combat this issue could include “tailoring deadlines, adapting forms of course delivery, revisiting the requirements of scores on standardized tests, and effectively using financial incentives for students.”
“This presentation has been an invaluable opportunity for me to discuss my findings, receive feedback from professionals, and further improve my understanding on a critical current challenge,” Banerjee said. “It aided me in exploring my views and ideas, as well as learn more about the resilience of higher education institutions and student mobility during the global pandemic.” She also expressed her gratitude for her conference sponsor and mentor, Nabarun Ghose, D.B.A., University of Findlay professor of marketing and business, “for his endless support and guidance.”
Dr. Ghose stated, “Satarupa’s strengths lie in her commitment to a project and determination to deliver quality. Her presentation skills are stellar. Satarupa is never defensive and pushes herself to new heights of achievement.”
Banerjee will be competing at the ACBSP National/International Conference in Washington, D.C. in June 2022. Her paper will be accessible online in the Marketing Management Association Fall 2021 Educators’ Conference Proceedings and will be the only student paper to be published in the collection.