Ditching the Dumpster: Departing UF Students Asked to Donate Certain Items for Reuse
Campus move-out time is, of course, move-in day in reverse – what went in must come back out. Typically, plenty of personal items that leave student housing for the summer get discarded. Enter Findlay Green Campus Initiative (FGCI) and UF’s Habitat for Humanity chapter, which are hoping to encourage environmental sustainability and incorporate resourcefulness into the process by encouraging students to donate certain goods instead of dumping them.
The two organizations will be hosting a move-out donation drive that will collect unwanted, clean goods in decent condition for resale at various Salvation Army of Northwest Ohio locations. Students will be encouraged to donate clothing, rugs, towels, curtains, bedding, appliances, home décor and furniture.
Salvation Army bins will be placed at various campus locations, including: behind 332 Defiance Avenue to serve nearby townhouses and residences on Defiance and Howard streets; behind 1102 N. Cory St. at the College Street cul-de-sac to serve main campus and student housing, behind Deming Residence Hall at 227 Frazer St. to serve student housing and residents of Deming and Lovett halls, and at The Village.
The large, white bins will be identifiable by their Salvation Army logo. They will be available starting today, April 21 through Friday, May 5.
Salvation Army boxed trucks will also be on campus May 3-5; commencement ceremonies will be held Saturday, May 6.
“We are excited to co-sponsor an initiative that not only furthers the FGCI mission, but also offers a convenience to students that helps them to pay it forward to local families in need,” said Amy DePuy, FGCI co-chair and assistant director of communication for UF. “We hope to make it an annual tradition.”