Findlay Graduate Students Present Research Findings at National Conference
Three graduate students, mentored by Nabarun Ghose, D.B.A., professor of marketing and business, presented research at the Society for Business Research Conference in Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 24-26.
The presenting master of business administration students were the only students among faculty members to appear as presenters at the conference.
Three research papers, submitted jointly by the students and Ghose, were presented and published in entirety:
Ritu Malhotra presented “Revisiting Key Concepts: Relevance to Current Marketing.” Tried and true marketing and business concepts were examined, and the presenters discussed the need to adapt those concepts based on the economy, politics, technological developments and other cultural changes.
Vadim Kutsar presented “Leadership Analysis Using Management Tools: Steve Jobs.” Kutsar and Ghose analyzed the leadership traits of Steve Jobs and studied ways to apply Jobs’ leadership style in a variety of scenarios.
Siva Prasad Karnati presented “Overview of Market for Foreign Investment: Pharmaceutical Industry in India.” The presenters researched India as a lucrative pharmaceutical market for industry leaders like the U.S. Topics such as patents, quality management, licensing and operating environment were discussed.
A fourth research paper was presented, and its abstract was published. Malhotra presented “Ethnocentrism and Country-of-Origin Image: U.S. in India.” This paper reported the latest findings from a 17-year longitudinal empirical study conducted in India. For the first time in 17 years, the results show that the country-of-origin image of the U.S. is moving in the opposite direction that’s been historically. The researchers provide suggestions for U.S. businesses to make a recovery in the potentially lucrative market of India.